Mission of MCF "MicroInvest": Improving the standard of living of the population, increasing the employment, promotion of entrepreneurship, creation of favorable conditions for the development of micro, small and medium-sized businesses by providing financial and non-financial services to entrepreneurs and the population of Tajikistan.
Goals and Objectives of MCF "MicroInvest"
The goal of MCF "MicroInvest" is to promote economic reforms, improve financial literacy of population for the development of entrepreneurship and small businesses to create decent living conditions for the citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan.
To achieve this goal MCF "MicroInvest" defines the following objectives:
Contribution to reduction of poverty in Tajikistan:
- Provision of microcredit services for the development of entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses
- Improving financial literacy of population through trainings on financial education
- Improving living standards through the implementation of socio-economic projects for the sustainable development of rural areas
- Conducting charity events for the sick and needy people.
Our Core Beliefs:
We believe:
- That education is a fundamental human right.
- That education, adult learning and life-long learning are essential directions to combat poverty and equip citizens to actively participate in social-economic development.
- That through education, women and men, children and youth, individuals and communities can be empowered to improve their lives, and transform their life conditions.
We believe:
- That microfinancing has a social goal to create social goods for the society.
- That microfinancing is a strong tool for social-economic development of society and also for development of entrepreneurship and small business among the low-income people.
- That microfinancing enables low-income population to get income and to live in dignity.