Currently, humanity is facing with various crises like global warming, including environmental issues, as well as unsustainable use of natural resources, which ultimately led to the depletion of natural resources. The increase in the scale of environmental disasters in the world makes us think of the future of our planet. Many scientists and world leaders talk about sustainable development and the survival of mankind and future generations on the planet Earth.
Taking into account all the challenges of our time, the United Nations adopted and announced 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
MCF «MicroInvest» within the framework of social responsibility to the environment is planning to create a demonstration plot for the know-how and management of natural resources, in particular taking into account the irrigation needs of the rural population to gradually introduce Drip Irrigation System (DIS). Given the annual growing shortage of fresh water in the world, our organization intends to use the demonstration site for the development and introduction of innovative methods, including know-how and show - how in agriculture, followed by the distribution and application of acquired knowledge and experience among the rural population, and the thus, contribute to the economic growth of the population in our region.
History of invention of Drip Irrigation System:
1930 Zim Hablass - the inventor of the drip irrigation system.
1963 The first drip irrigation system was patented in Israel and has since been widely and successfully used in agriculture in Israel.
The advantages of using Drip Irrigation System, which has been confirmed by a number of studies and pilot projects on the part of academics and practitioners in agriculture: